#introduction! Hey all, Peter Ramsey, happy to be here, dealing with the learning curve. I’m currently a director (Rise of the Guardians, Spider-Man: Into the etc., and Lost Ollie) writing and developing new projects. Looking forward to this…any helpful Mastodon hints welcome!
@pramsey342 Hello! Great to see you here.
The one hint I give people on Mastodon is that it's very helpful to include hashtags. Most of the discovery/searching features are built around hashtags rather than plain text (for complicated but good reasons). So for example the #spiderverse and #LostOllie hashtags might be good to include when you're talking about those projects.
@keith @pramsey342 It’s also helpful to put hashtags at the end of posts (more available toot characters here!), caption your photos/gifs, and use Camel Case (capitalizing each word in a hashtag) since it’s helpful for Mastodonians that use app readers for various visual impairments. #LearningCurve